ERA-NET Cofund on Raw Materials (ERA-MIN3)  is a global, innovative and flexible pan-European network of research funding organisations, supported by EU Horizon 2020, that builds on the experience of the FP7 ERA-NET ERA-MIN (2011 to 2015) and ERA-MIN 2 (2016-2022).

ERA-MIN3 addresses 5 key objectives:

  1. Support and promote R&I cooperation in Europe, contributing to the objectives and the implementation of both the Raw Materials Initiative and the EIP RM Strategies, maximising the impact of the Technology Pillar of the Strategic Implementation Plan;
  2. Reduce fragmentation of R&I funding in the area of non-fuel, non-food raw materials across Europe and globally;
  3. Provide a pan-European support network and financial resources to improve synergies, coordination and collaboration;
  4. Improve the efficiency and impact of human and financial investment in R&I activities in the area of Raw Materials;
  5. Improve the competitiveness and the environmental, health and safety performance of non-fuel, non-food RM operations.

Partners of the ERA-MIN3 and contact persons

Country/Region Organisation Contact person
France ADEME
Pauline Josserand

Hélène Varlet
Spain AEI
Severino Falcón

Jorge Sotelo / Raquel Fernández
France ANR
Bulgaria BNSF
Irena Peytcheva

Milena Aleksandrova
Finland Business Finland
Spain CDTI
Milvia Soumbounou García
Spain/Comunidad Foral de Navarra CFNA
South Africa DSI
Ntombi Mchuba
Estonia ETAg
Margit Suuroja
Portugal FCT
Dina Carrilho

Stefano Amaral
Brazil Finep
Tadzo Queiroz

Henrique Vasquez Feteira do Vale

Alexandre Barragat de Andrade

Belgium/Flanders Fonds voor Innoveren en Ondernemen
Elsie De Clercq
Belgium/Flanders FWO
Olivier Boheme/Toon Monbaliu
Ireland GSI/EPA
Aoife Braiden

Ana Luisa Lavado
Slovenia MIZS
Dorotea Zlobec
Italy MUR
Poland NCBR
Kinga Szymańska-Rzeźnik
Canada PRIMA-Québec
Michel Lefevre
Germany PTJ
Holger Grünewald
Slovakia SAS
Martin Novak

Zuzana Panisova
Belgium/Wallonia SPW-Wallonia
Czech Republic TA CR
Kateřina Volfová

Matej Stepanek
Nicoleta Dumitrache
Sweden Vinnova