ERA-MIN has just published its new Newsletter of November 2024, gathering the main outcomes of the ERA-MIN network during the second half of the year 2024.

KAVA Call 13 Call for Innovation & Education Projects - Deadline

Together we can shape a strong, sustainable raw materials sector in Europe. Call from EIT Raw Materials for Innovation and education projects deadline for cutt off 1 is Friday 29th November 2024 at 13.00 CET (Berlin time)

SAFE's Center for Critical Minerals Strategy organize a Webinar Trading Tensions: Navigating Policy Tools for a Diverse Critical Minerals Supply Chain Report Launch

A webinar, hosted by SAFE's Center for Critical Minerals Strategy, will mark the launch of the "Trading Tensions" report. The event will explore the complex landscape of battery material and REE supply chains, focusing on policy tools that can help diversify sources and reduce vulnerabilities. Speakers will discuss the intersection of trade policies, national security, and economic competitiveness in the context of critical minerals.

Raw Materials Week 2024 - Registration Open

The Raw Materials Week, that will take place in Brussels from 9th to 13th December 2024, has open the registration

aLINA - securing the supply of critical raw minerals and metals for the industry

Last 17th September took place the annual aLiNA annual meeting in Brussels. aLina is the programme aiming at securing the supply of critical raw minerals and metals for the industry.