ERA-NET Confund on Raw Materials (ERA-MIN) is a global, innovative and flexible pan-European network of research funding organisations, supported by EU Horizon 2020, that counts now with its third edition, ERA-MIN3 (2020-2025) and builds on the experience of the FP7 ERA-NET ERA-MIN (2011-2015) and the still running ERA-MIN 2 (2016-2022).

ERA-MIN aims to support the European Innovation Partnership on Raw Materials (EIP RM), the EU Raw Materials Initiative and further develop the raw materials (RM) sector in Europe through funding of transnational research and innovation (R&I) activities. This will be achieved through calls designed and developed specifically for the non-fuel, non-food raw materials sector.

ERA-MIN3: RAW MATERIALS FOR THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND THE CIRCULAR ECONOMY aims to improve synergy, coordination and coherence between regional, national and EU funding in the raw materials sector by reducing fragmentation of raw materials funding across Europe and globally, as well as, improving the use of human and financial resources, the competitiveness and the environmental, social, health and safety issues of raw materials operations through supporting of transnational, excellent and translational R&I activities. It is built on the success of ERA-MIN 2: RESEARCH & INNOVATION PROGRAMME ON RAW MATERIALS TO FOSTER CIRCULAR ECONOMY, which is still running. Successively, ERA-MIN2 is built on the experience of ERA-MIN (2011-2015) whose aim was to bring together a significant number of funding and programming organisations to support the development of the non-energy mineral raw materials research area in Europe.

Circular Economy
Breaking News
EGU General Assembly 2024 - Recording See more



01 Jul 2024


Past April 2024, ERA MIN 3 partner, GSI Ireland, was representing ERA-MIN 3 at the EGU General Assembly 2024 (EGU24 - Home) , that took place place in Vienna, Austria & Online from April 14-19.

The EGU General Assembly 2024 brought together geoscientists from all over the world to one meeting covering all disciplines of the Earth, planetary, and space sciences.

Now, the recording of the EGU General Assembly is online.

06 Jun 2024

ERA-MIN has just published its new Newsletter of May 2024, gathering the main outcomes of the ERA-MIN network during the first half of the year 2024.

Additional information