ERA-MIN 2 Joint Call 2017 - Webinar on 30th March 2017

This Webinar will provide information of the topics and detailed explanations on the submission, evaluation, selection and funding procedures.

30/03/2017 - 12:00

The H2020 ERA-MIN 2 consortium has open a joint call "Raw materials for the sustainable development and the circular economy" with a total budget of 15 million Euro including EU co-funding. The deadline for the pre-proposals submission is 5th May, 17:00 (CEST). The scope of the call is to support transnational collaborative projects on demand-driven research and innovation on primary and secondary resources of metallic, construction and industrial minerals and substitution of Critical Raw Materials in a circular economy approach.

The Webinar on ERA-MIN Joint Call 2017 will take place on 30th March at 12:00 (Lisbon time) for one hour. This Webinar will provide information of the topics and detailed explanations on the submission, evaluation, selection and funding procedures. This Webinar is the virtual place to answer online questions of the applicants. 

The link of the Webinar is: 

More information of the call is available on: