First IRTC conference

Lille, France 

15/02/2023 - 09:00 to 17/02/2023 - 20:00


The network “International Round Table on Materials Criticality” (IRTC), funded by EIT RawMaterials, has had a crucial role in the international debate on criticality. In the original project IRTC, leading experts and developers of criticality methodologies started to discuss national perspectives and requirements of robust criticality assessments.

With the organization of an international conference, the IRTC project now proposes an interactive platform that will serve as a navigator to identify current and future topics of interest regarding material risks in industry and research world-wide, and to bring together industries interested to learn more about the topic and share their practices with academics, policymakers, and each other.

ERA-MIN3 will be represented through FCT (Portugal) attendance and the promotion with a poster of the ERA-MIN Joint Transnational Call 2023, as well as the results of the EU-Cofunded ERA-MIN Joint Call 2021.

She will also give a presentation on "How worldwide coordinated research funding answers raw materials challenges: a case of study"

Please find the conference program here: