FORAM 18 Pilot Event

Nancy (France)

27/06/2018 - 09:00

The Towards a World Forum on Raw Materials - FORAM is an European project whose aim is to develop a EU-based platform of international experts and stakeholders that will advance the idea of World Forum on Raw Materials and will enhance the international cooperation on raw materials policies and investments. Particularly, the project will seek to engage the participation of G20 Member countries and other countries active in the non-energy abiotic raw materials sector with the aim of fostering knowledge and peer-learning on how to best use natural resources for a more inclusive development.

The FORAM 18 Pilot Event will take place in Nancy (France) on 27th June 2018, being the next step in the stakeholder consultation process.The main purpose of this event is to deepen the insights from the dialogue by means of face-to-face discussions, build connections between people and create or strengthen ownership for improving global cooperation on raw materials. Further information about the event is available here.

The participation is by invitation only. For those that are interested in joining the Stakeholders Panel, please register online in