Webinar: partnership development activity between Quebec, Sweden and Finland in the battery sector


10/02/2021 - 14:30 to 17:00

The Ministry of the Economy and Innovation of Quebec, in collaboration with the Délégation générale du Québec in London (which covers the Nordic countries), PRIMA Québec and Propulsion Québec, is organizing a partnership development activity (PDA) in research and innovation with Swedish Mining Innovation and Business Sweden

The scope of the activity is related to the European commission call for projects ERA-MIN 3, in which Quebec stakeholders can participate with the support of PRIMA Quebec programs. More specifically, we are targeting the R&D needs of the battery sector in Quebec, Sweden and Finland to accelerate its development. 

The event is scheduled for February 10, 2021, at :

8:30, Eastern Time, Canada;

14:30, Central European Time, Sweden;

15:30, Eastern European Time, Finland.

The event should last 2.5 hours and we should conclude around 11:00 (ET), 17:00 (CET) or 18:00 (EET). 


Bloc 1 (Presentation)

Welcoming remarks

General presentation of the battery sector in Quebec and Sweden

Overview of the ERAMIN 3 call of proposal framework and financial tools

Bloc 2 (Pitch)

8-10 Pitch from academic and industrial partners

Bloc 3 (Networking) 

Table of discussions/networking
