16 transnational projects are funded under ERA-MIN Joint Call 2017 with a total public funding of 12.3 million €


Needs-driven research on non-energy, non-agricultural raw materials addressing one or several areas of the circular economy, those were the topics of the ERA-MIN Joint Call 2017 on Raw materials for sustainable development and the circular economy which was launched on 1st February 2017. 16 top-ranked proposals are recommended now for funding by the Call Steering Committee (CSC), involving 88 applicants of which 34 enterprises (38.6%), requesting a total of 12.3 million € of public funds and with total costs of 16 million €.

A fair and transparent evaluation process

94 pre-proposals were submitted to this Call, involving 493 applicants and 27% of enterprise participation. The total requested funding was almost 58 million €, four times higher than the total call budget (15 million € including the EU contribution).

The pre-proposal assessment was communicated on July 2017. 36 selected pre-proposals were invited to the full proposal stage, being the total requested funding for these pre-proposals of 25.8 million €.

On full proposal stage, 35 full-proposals were submitted, involving 186 applicants and 33% of enterprise participation. 

After the scientific assessment of eligible full proposals, the international and independent Scientific Evaluation Board (SEB) established a ranking list of 26 proposals recommended for funding. The CSC strove to ensure that the top-ranked full-proposals were funded to the maximum extent possible. The selection of full-proposals was based on the ranking list of eligible full-proposals provided by the SEB and the available national/regional budgets until exhaustion of public funds (EU contribution included).

An independent observer of the whole evaluation process reported that the outcome of the evaluation and selection procedures was both fair and transparent and in compliance with the EU co-funding rules.

Further information will be available soon:

- Results of the ERA-MIN Joint Call 2017.
- Statistics of the ERA-MIN Joint Call 2017 of the funded projects

ERA-MIN 2 - Communication and dissemination

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