1st Draft SRIA on Raw Materials survey consultation has been closed


Last March the release of the 1st Draft of the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) on Raw Materials was announced. This comprehensive document lays out the roadmap for the future of raw materials research and development, outlining key priorities, challenges, and opportunities in this critical field.

All stakeholders in the raw materials industry were invited to build this SRIA trough a survey. Together, we could build a more sustainable, resilient, and innovative raw materials sector that meets the needs of society, the economy, and the environment.

The survey has now been closed. We thank everyone who participated, your feed back is very well appreciated. The results will be compiled and published soon. 

Stay tuned for updates and survey results of the public consultation in the SRIA on Raw Materials.


Click in the following link to updates in the SRIA document: 

R&I Agenda | ERA.MIN (era-min.eu)