EIT RawMaterials Position Paper on COVID-19


To exit the COVID-19 crisis into an economically sound scenario, Europe not only has to tackle the supply side challenges, but also demand for sustainable end and intermediate products. National governments and the European Commission are taking serious measures to fuel the European economy again and restart the power engine of our welfare.

Europe is home to world-market leaders in the metals and minerals sector and leaders of excellence in innovation and education. EIT RawMaterials was established to address this type of challenges and has the credentials, drive and expertise to lead the establishment of new, post-COVID-19 supply chains. Solutions include, for example, R&D to make available both primary and secondary sources, circularity through industrial symbiosis and closing material loops as well as access to financing for critical value chain steps.

Raw materials are vital for the EU economy, the green transition and a successful exit from COVID-19 – EIT RawMaterials will fully support this.

More information: ​https://eitrawmaterials.eu/eit-rawmaterials-community-response-in-building-up-resilience-and-contributing-to-the-economic-recovery-post-covid-19

Positon Paper: https://eitrawmaterials.eu/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/EIT-RawMaterials-Position-Paper-on-COVID-19.pdf