"EU-Latin America Dialogue on Raw Materials: consolidating the co-operation" conference on 8-9 May 2017


The ‘EU-Latin America Dialogue on Raw Materials: consolidating the co-operation’ conference was held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on 8-9 May 2017 with the aim of enhancing the EU-Latin America cooperation on raw materials. The Workshop was focused on the collaboration in investment, technology, research and innovation and exchange of good practices on good governance between European Union and Latin American countries, taking into account with the participation of over 50 delegates from EU-Latin America countries and other international organisations.

One of the conference subject was on expanding the opportunities for multilateral investments through the new EU Latin America Mineral Development Network Platform, which is under construction and it expected to be launched in November 2017.

During the event, the importance of ERA-MIN 2 project and the first remarkable outcomes obtained under this ERA-NET Cofund was presented by Ms. Monica Silenzi, from the Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation of Argentina. 

The Secretary General of EuroGeoSurveys gave a speech on ‘Towards a World Forum on Raw Materials’, where he discussed the FORAM project, explaining how the project is organized and the future developments.

More information to the FORAM project is available here.