ICMR 2024 21th Conference on Manufacturing Research


Dr. Radu-Robert Piticescu, coordinator of MONAMIX project funded under ERAMIN co-fund call 2017, co-organizes the conference 21st International Conference on Manufacturing Research (ICMR2024) organized by University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, in the period 28-30 August 2024.

ICRM2024 is the 21st International Conference on Manufacturing Research. The Conference will take place in Glasgow, Scotland, and will be hosted by the Department of Design, Manufacturing and Engineering Management at the University of Strathclyde.

Initiated by the Consortium of UK University Manufacturing and Engineering Heads (COMEH), ICMR has been the UK’s main manufacturing research conference for 38 years and an international conference since 2003 - bringing researchers, academics, and industrialists together to share their vision, knowledge, and experience, and discuss emerging trends and new challenges. With the accelerating globalisation of manufacturing in the 21st century, the urgent need to keep pace has produced rapid advancements in technology, research, and innovation. ICMR solicits papers on both cutting-edge and emerging theoretical research and its recent industrial applications to bring together practical and theoretical knowledge from academic, governmental, and industrial organisations globally.


ICMR2024 will also be held in cooperation with the journal Manufacturing Review, global publisher EDP Sciences, and the EU FAST-SMART project consortium.



30th March 2024         Full paper submission

1st May 2024                Paper acceptance notification

16th May 2024             Final paper submission

15th July 2024              Deadline for early bird registration

20th August 2024        Final registration



For more information and registration click here.