
GSI, Geological Survey Ireland, from Dublin, Ireland, an active partner in ERA-MIN 3 has recently published a new research paper in Journal of Environmental Psychology, Volume 94, March 2024, 102248: "Primacy effects in the formation of environmental attitudes: The case of mineral exploration"  Olga Poluektova , Hannah Julienne , Deirdre A. Robertson , Aoife K. Braiden , Peter D. Lunn 


The paper explains how individuals show their opinions on developments crucial for transitioning to the green economy, mineral exploration and mining serve as illustrative examples. A sample of 1000 participants engaged in a pre-registered online experiment, randomly assigned to various conditions. They were either exposed to information supporting or opposing mining, asked to state their position or not, and presented with counterarguments either alongside the original information or separately.

The study identified a primacy effect, indicating that the initial information participants encountered significantly influenced their subsequent opinions. This effect was more pronounced when participants expressed their stance before encountering counterarguments and when the counterarguments incorporated information about both the risks and benefits of mining.

The findings underscore the pivotal role of the first information individuals encounter in shaping their opinions. The study suggests that opinions formed based on this initial information can be resilient and challenging to alter. The implications of these results extend to discussions surrounding the green economy, emphasizing the need for careful consideration of the initial information presented, as it can exert a lasting impact on public perceptions. This insight into the dynamics of opinion formation is crucial for stakeholders involved in navigating the transition to a sustainable and environmentally conscious economy.


The full paper can be read and downloaded here.


The study was carried out as part of the PACIFIC project funded by the European Commission (Grant Agreement no. 776622).