New video from ERA-MIN 2 funded project MaXycle on BadenTV


SusMagPro project, funded under H2020, and MaXycle project, funded in the ERA-MIN 2 Co-funded Call 2017, have published a video broadcasted by BadenTV, a local German TV station. If you understand German do not hesitate to check it here and watch how the experts at the University of Pforzheim are investigating how to cover around a quarter of the magnet needs with recycled magnets.

MaXycle: A novel circular economy for sustainable REbased magnets is funded by ERA MIN 2 under H2020. The objective of this project is to create a much more environmentally friendly ‘short cycle’ re-processing route achieved by: a) the development of an eco-labelling system for newly produced RE permanent magnets, b) using the highly effective HPMS process by re-processing the extracted materials directly from the NdFeB alloy, c) better treatments to eliminate pre-processing residue, d) upgrading the magnetic properties of EOL NdFeB magnets by tailoring the microstructure and phase composition and e) elaborating the industrial up-scalability, including a thorough life cycle assessment. MaXycle will have a great impact to overcome the issue of low recycling rates suffering from poor collection, high leakages of collected materials and inappropriate interface management between logistics, and mechanical pre-processing and metallurgical metals recovery. It is estimated that MaXycle will increase the recycling quantities of NdFeB by 90%, intorducing a sustainable source of raw materials and increasing EU magnet production without recourse to foreign suppliers, further increasing revenues and creating jobs. Further development of recycled RE-based magnet raw materials should open up new markets for specialised recycled magnet products, strengthening competiveness and economic growth.