Webinar "Tracking the Global Supply of Critical Materials" on 26th January 2018


The "Tracking the Global Supply of Critical Materials" webinar is offered by the American Geosciences Institute's Critical Issues Program and will focus on the US and EU efforts put to collect information and develop tools whose aim is to ensure a secure supply of mineral resources at national and international level as well as help to identify and quantify the weaknesses in this process; and encourage national and international collaboration, education, and outreach, and innovation in the mineral resources field.

The main topics that will be targeted during the webinar are:

  • How critical materials are monitored around the world from U.S. and EU perspectives
  • Examples of how mineral criticality evolves over time in response to demand, politics, and technology
  • How these monitoring data can be used to inform decisions in industry, policy, and research

This free webinar will be held on Friday 26th January 2018, at 4.00 PM UTC/ 11:00 AM EST.

If you are interested in attending the webinar, please register: http://crm.americangeosciences.org/civicrm/event/info?id=83&reset=1

Further information on the webinar is available here.