ERA-MIN Joint Call 2017
Raw materials for sustainable development and the circular economy
(Submission deadline for pre-proposals: 5th May 2017, 17:00 CEST)
(Submission deadline for full-proposals: 28th September 2017, 17:00 CEST)
In order to secure a sustainable and responsible supply of raw materials to the economy and industry, the ERA-MIN Joint Call 2017 will address three segments of the non-energy, non-agricultural raw materials:
- Metallic,
- Construction, and
- Industrial minerals.
The call topics of the ERA-MIN Joint Call 2017 will be based on challenges and priorities identified in the ERA MIN Research Agenda. It will be in line with the integrated strategy proposed in the EU Raw Materials Initiative, the Strategic Implementation Plan of the European Innovation Partnership on Raw Materials, as well as with the national and regional priorities. ERA-MIN 2 will liaise with the EIT on Raw Materials to offer complementary support and avoid duplication of efforts. ERA-MIN 2 is supporting the EU’s transition to a Circular Economy by addressing topics which are aiming at retaining the value of the raw materials we use in products and returning them into the product cycle at the end of their use, keeping in mind the need for a sustainable and responsible industrial supply of primary resources to feed the circular economy.
The scope of the Joint Call is needs-driven research on non-energy, non-agricultural raw materials addressing one or several areas of the circular economy, as shown in Figure. As an overarching objective the proposed research should clearly demonstrate potential to foster the sustainable supply, processing, production and consumption of primary and secondary raw materials in a circular economy. All consortia should deliver convincing arguments on the potential impact of their innovation on the efficient supply, processing and use of raw materials. They should be able to quantify the expected impact using appropriate metrics and life cycle thinking. A specific work package on the follow up of these metrics in order to steer the project into the most environmentally beneficial direction could be an option.
The five main thematic areas are:
- Supply of raw materials from exploration and mining
- Design
- Processing, Production and Remanufacturing
- Recycling of End-of-Life Products
- Cross-cutting topics:
- New business models,
- Improvement of methods or data for environmental impact assessment,
- Social acceptance and trust/public perception of raw materials.
For the objectives and expected impacts of the five topics supported by ERA-MIN Joint Call 2017 please see the “Call text”.
For details on call sub-topics, submission, evaluation, selection and funding of proposals and call calendar read the “Guidelines for Applicants (version 12.07.2017)”.
For the specific national and regional funding regulations and rules read the “National/Regional Funding regulations”.
If you are interested in participating in the Call and you would like to search for potential partners, please use the following platform set up by the NCPs-CaRE. This tool is available on the NCPs-CaRE website (