ERA-MIN 2 Seminar at Finep (Brazil) on 14th March 2017


Raw Materials Scoreboard

The Raw Materials Scoreboard gives an overview of the challenges related to raw materials. It consists of 24 indicators grouped into five thematic clusters.

ERA-MIN Joint Call 2017 now open

The ERA-MIN 2017 Joint Call on Raw Material for Sustainable Development and the Circular Economy is now open on February 1st, 2017.

ERA-MIN 2 Kick-off

ERAMIN 2 Kick-of - Implement a European-wide coordination of research and innovation programmes on raw materials to strengthen the industry competitiveness and the shift to a circular economy

Adoption of the European Research Area (ERA) Progress Report 2016

On 26th January 2017, the European Commission has adopted the European Research Area (ERA) Progress Report 2016. This report consists of five parts: the report itself, a Staff Working Document, a background report prepared by our contractor Science-Metrix, a handbook to facilitate the reading of the statistics, and country snapshots for each Member State and Associated Country.