ERA-MIN Joint Call 2019

Research & innovation programme on raw materials to foster circular economy

ERA-MIN 2 is a Pan-European, global, innovative and flexible network of 21 public research and innovation funding organisations of EU countries and regions and non-EU countries that aims to develop the non-energy and non-agricultural raw materials sector: metallic, construction and industrial minerals. ERA-MIN 2 has successfully implemented two joint calls (2017 and 2018) for collaborative R&I projects and as a result a total of 28 transnational projects were supported with €21.1 million of public funding and €28.7 million total costs.

The total indicative call budget is €10.3 Million and the ERA-MIN Joint Call 2019 will be implemented with only national and regional funds of EU and non-EU funding organisations.

Important dates
November 28, 2019 Call for proposals opens
March 12, 2020 Call for proposals ends
April 16, 2020 Communication to non-eligible applicants
June 30, 2020 Communication of Call results
December 1, 2020 Latest date for project start
2019 Call scope and topics

The scope of the 2019 Joint Call is needs-driven research addressing all aspects of the non-energy non-agricultural raw materials life cycle covering both primary and secondary resources. The five main topics and sub-topics are:

  1. Topic 1. Supply of raw materials from exploration and mining.
    Sub-topics: Exploration; Mining operations; Mine closure and reclamation
  2. Topic 2. Design
    Sub-topics: Product design for: increased raw material efficiency; for reuse or extended durability of product; to promote recycling; for critical materials substitution
  3. Topic 3. Processing, Production and Remanufacturing
    Sub-topics: Increase resource efficiency: in resource intensive production processes; through recycling of residues or remanufacturing of used products and components; using information and communication technologies (ICT)
  4. Topic 4. Recycling and Re-use of End-of-life products
    Sub-topics: End-of-life products: collection and (reverse) logistics; pre-processing: pre-treatment, dismantling, sorting, characterisation; Recovery of raw materials from End-of-life products; Increase recycling of End-of – Life products through information and communications technologies (ICT)
  5. Topic 5. Cross-cutting topics
    Sub-topics: New business models; Improvement of methods or data for environmental impact assessment; Social acceptance and trust/public perception of raw materials

We encourage proposals that integrate cross-cutting topics if supported by their funding organisations.

Who can apply: 
  • Universities, research institutes, companies, NGOs and public authorities.
  • A consortium must consist of at least three project partners eligible and requesting funding from the participating Funding Organisations of at least two different countries whereof one is an EU Member State or an Associated Country (Turkey) participating in the Call.
  • Applicants requesting funding are obliged to check with their national/regional contact point about the relevant national/regional regulations prior to application.
  • Organisations from countries/regions not participating in the Call can be partners of the consortium on the condition that they provide evidence of the availability of their own funds.
  • Consortia involving both academic and industrial organisations are particularly encouraged.
  • Consortia covering the entire innovation chain from idea to end-user/market are considered positive as well as consortia with actors traditionally working in other industries, so that more ground-breaking innovations can be created through new approaches.
Electronic Submission System: 

Link to access to the ESS:

Participating countries and regions: 

ERA-MIN 2 partners and Observer Institutions from Belgium-Brussels, Belgium-Wallonia, Canada- Québec, Czech Republic, Greece, and Slovakia are participating in the Call:

  • EU countries/regions: Belgium-Brussels; Belgium-Flanders; Belgium-Wallonia; Czech Republic, Finland; France; Greece; Poland; Portugal; Romania; Slovakia; Slovenia; Sweden.
  • EU Associated country: Turkey.
  • Non-EU countries: Canada-Québec, Chile and South Africa.

Applicants are obliged to check with their national/regional contact point about the relevant national/regional regulations.

More information

Joint Call Secretariat:

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