ERA-MIN 2 Final Conference and Final Seminar of Call 2017 projects


18/11/2021 - 14:00 to 19/11/2021 - 16:30

The ERA-MIN 2 Final Conference and Final Seminar of Call 2017 projects took place virtually on18th-19th November 2021, coinciding with the 2021 Raw Materials Week (15 -19 Nov).

ERA-MIN 2 comprises a progressive, pan-European network of 21 public research funding organizations from 13 EU countries/regions, one EU Associated Country (Turkey) and 4 Non-EU countries (Argentina, Brazil, Chile and South Africa). Since 2016, ERA-MIN 2 has strengthen the coordination of research and innovation programmes in the field of non-energy, non-agricultural raw materials (construction, industrial and metallic minerals) through funding of demand driven research on primary and secondary resources, and substitution of critical raw materials under a circular economy approach. Through 3 joint transnational calls, ERA-MIN gave the opportunity to the raw materials community to apply to world-wide coordinated funding, gaining access to leading knowledge and new markets, while reducing fragmentation of R&I funding across Europe and globally.

The ERA-MIN 2 Final Conference and Final Seminar of Call 2017 projects shows the achievements after 5 years bridging with the recent successor pan-European network on raw materials - ERA-MIN3 (2020-2025). The conference gathered all the funded projects representatives from the ERA-MIN 2 Research Programme to disseminate their project results to stakeholders and promote the uptake of project results by end-users, civil society or policymakers. Indeed, the final project results could contribute to the JRC RMIS Knowledge Gate. Moreover, applied research projects ending at TRL 4-5 could apply to EIT RM calls for scale-up towards higher TRL levels and the market. 

Additionally, the preparation of a poster to disseminate the young researchers (pre-doctoral and post-doctoral that obtained the PhD less than 10 years ago) work on the ERA-MIN 2 Call 2017 projects is encouraged through a Poster Competition (Guidelines available bellow). The awarded poster, that was announced on the closure of the conference, is "ZERO-WASTE PHOSPHORUS RECOVERY FROM RICE HUSK POULTRY LITTER ASH" by Laura Fiameni, and elated to the Deasphor project. All the posters, which are excellent materials for the dissemination of the project rsults, are available bellow.